Beyond Stop The Bleed For Jamestown Fire Department

Beyond Stop The Bleed
is a course designed by First Aid Tactics that includes the full curriculum of
the ACS (American College of Surgeons) Stop The Bleed program, but expands the
skillset to include a basic introduction of skills beneficial in a emergency trauma situation. The course is a blend of lecture and hands on skills
Topics Covered:
Identifying life threatening bleeding
Direct Pressure, Wound Packing, Tourniquets
Tourniquet history, use, and selection
Hemostatic agents use and selection
Core vs Extremity vs Junctional injures
Penetrating Chest Trauma
Use of chest seals
Self-application of Tourniquets
What is an IFAK and what should be in it.
Students will perform hands on training with the
Direct pressure
Wound packing
Tourniquet application to victims
· Self application of tourniquet
Prerequisites: None
Class Length: Approximately 2.5 Hours

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